The main objective of the Society is :-
To encourage and support the meritorious and deserving students to pursue higher studies.
Medical Assistance Scheme
This Scheme was initiated by Dr. Charles Dias in 2011 by offering a sum, to provide medical assistance to the deserving people, in a limited way, from the interest accrued from the corpus fund.
Marriage Assistance
This scheme was taken up by the Society in 2012 when Mr. Nycil Mendez offered a stipulated sum to few deserving Anglo-Indian families to marry off girls.
The source of funding of our Society is from donations received from our generous well-wishers and benefactors. The amounts received by way of endowments are safely deposited in fixed deposits and the interest accrued is distributed as scholarships annually. Thousands have benefitted over the years from the activities of the Society.
The Society has obtained exemption under Sec. 80 G for contributions made from the Income Tax Department. The sad reality is that, every year with the increase of applications, we are unable to increase the corpus fund , required to meet the demands of students, patients and for marriages assistance requests. The increase in fee-structure in professional colleges makes our scholarships negligible to meet the expenses of students. Also, the fall of interest rates in banks forced us to limit the scholarships. The increase in the number of applicants who pursue professional courses during the recent past has forced the Society not to entertain applicants studying for Arts & Science courses, Certificate Courses etc. Our aim to serve more deserving persons can be fulfilled only with the support of our well wishers and benefactors.
We remember with gratitude the farsightedness and kindheartedness of late Msgr. Emmanuel Lopez, former MLA Stephen Padua and our founder president Elsie D’souza for establishing this institution to help our students and promote higher education. We also thank all our well-wishers, benefactors, patrons, office-bearers and members for their co-operation and support over the last six decades